Sometimes when you copy text from a webpage, (which could be breaching copyright laws) there will be html hyperlinks included in the text. If you paste this text to a Word Document the hyperlinks will now be in your document. These links will lead to wherever the original author intended.

Why would you want to delete all html hyperlinks from a Word document?

For example if you copy text from to paste into a Word document it usually has a million html links in just a small paragraph. See my screenshot below. If you just wanted to quote a definition from the website it is common courtesy to leave a back link to the original author, but not as many as shown in this screenshot. Note that I started to underline the html links in red to show you how many there is in this block of text. There were three in the first line.

remove html links - word 2007

How to delete a html hyperlink from a word document?

  1. To remove a html hyperlink you can simply right click on the link
  2. A menu will appear. Choose Remove hyperlink.
  3. That’s it…
  4. See the screenshot below.
remove hyperlink - word 2007
This method only removes one hyperlink at a time and in the example piece of text alone it would be time consuming to remove html hyperlinks this way.

How to delete multiple html hyperlinks all at once with a simple keyboard shortcut?

  1. Select the text where you want to remove the html hyperlinks from by making the selection blue. See the screenshot below.
  2. Then press the CTRL, Shift and  F9 keys on your keyboard. All at the same time. This will remove all the html hyperlinks from the text you have selected in you r Word 2007 document.
hyperlinks in Word 2007
Now see the screenshot below after I have removed all the html hyperlinks with thisquick keyboard shortcut.
hyperlinks removed in Word 2007
As you can see it is extremely easy to remove all html links from your Word document.

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