Wikitaxi is a database that will store downloaded wikipedia files. It thus allows you to view the
 contents of Wikipedia, even though you lack of internet connection.
  • Download Wikitaxi here
  • Several language packs are availble (the english version is quite a bulky file).
  • Go to http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/ and choose the file "enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2" . *Otherwise, you can download with the images, but then you must count in some 10-20GB..
  • Open the wikitaxi_importer located in wikitaxi folder, click on browse, choose the file downloaded in the above step ("enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2") click again on browse, choose the wikitaxi folder and rename it Base_English or other name.
  • This will convert the folder to .taxi
  • Options: setting the slider to the max will make wikitaxi run faster (it uses the entire ram)
  • Click on wikitaxi.exe then click on open an existing file.
  • Select :Base_English (or the filename used)

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